Grimm Fan? Take This Tour of Portland: Nick’s House, Monroe’s House, More…
Grimm Fan? Take This Tour of Portland: Nick’s House, Monroe’s House, More…
Posted: August 22, 2016 at 03:04PM
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This video takes you on a tour of Portland, Oregon, and shows you how to find some of the most-used filming locations from NBC’s show Grimm. Included: Nick and Juliette’s House, Portland Police Exteriors, Aunt Marie’s Trailer location under the Fremont Bridge, and Monroe’s House. You’ll also see downtown Portland, Naito Parkway, Terwilliger Drive, and cross the Fremont Bridge and the I-205 Glenn Jackson Memorial Bridge. Sorry, no Grimms or Wesen spotted on this tour of Grimm filming locations!
Music Info:
Artist: Chris Zabriskie
Titles May Include:
Oxygen Garden
I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor
Out of the Skies, Under the Earth
The Life and Death of a Certain K. Zabriskie, Patriarch
I Am Running Down the Long Hallway of Viewmont Elementary
I Am Running with Temporary Success from a Monstrous Vacuum In Pursuit
Wonder Cycle
Air Hockey Saloon
Mario Bava Sleeps In a Little Later Than He Expected To.
You’ll find the track title(s) at the end of the video.
Check out Chris’s music:
Yes, I do have written permission from Chris to use his music.
View this video on Youtube here: