About This Website & Me
I’m Daniel Woodrum. I’m a TV news producer and travel writer who lives in Tampa, Florida, but I spend as much time as possible somewhere else. Anywhere else. On the road, preferably.
After I first started traveling in 2004, I created takemytrip.com. It currently has more than a thousand pages of information on travel destinations, road trip routes, photos and tips. Check it out if you have the time.
In 2009, I got the crazy idea to videotape every moment of my vacations. My trip through the southeast in June, 2009 was the first vacation where I put my plan into action. After more than 3,000 miles, I had recorded almost every inch of the trip (except for a couple of power cord failures, and one night where I was too lazy to hook up the camera, to record my trip to Shoney’s for dinner). Now, I take my camera on every trip, recording every highway, byway, and dirt track. It’s an amazing feeling to come back home and be able to re-live some of my favorite drives.
Feel free to use the form below. I’m always happy to hear from anyone who enjoyed the videos, or has a helpful suggestion. You can also contact me about buying videos for commercial use.
Comments or questions are welcome.
Some Legal Stuff
I’ll keep this part short, since I’m no lawyer. Here’s what you need to know.
- Everything on takemytrip.com and mydrivelapse.com is copyrighted. I created everything you see here, from the photographs to the graphics to the text. I’ve spent hundreds of hours, and it just wouldn’t be right for you to steal it.
- If you’d like to use an image you find here, you can, but only if you do the following: include a clickable link that points to either takemytrip.com or mydrivelapse.com or the specific page where you found the image. The link should say something to the effect of “Image provided by takemytrip.com or mydrivelapse.com.” Also, please email me with a link to the page. I reserve the right to revoke permission to use the image if the webpage features offensive or obscene material, or for any other reason. (That said, in most cases, I’d be thrilled for you to link to my page!)
- If you’d like to use a video on your website, that’s okay too. Since the videos are posted on YouTube, it’s easy to grab an embed code from them. I’d still appreciate a courtesy link back to the site.
- Nothing on my website is guaranteed. Facts change with time, and I simply can’t promise that every detail on every page is timely and accurate. Please call individual businesses or governments/officials for the latest information.
- I will respect your privacy, and will never release your email address or other information to anyone. So feel free to contact me for any reason!
- Be aware that TakeMyTrip.com and MyDrivelapse.com use Google Ads to generate a small amount of revenue, which helps “keep the lights on”. Google Ads uses cookies, including the DART cookie, which uses information about the websites you visit (including this one) in order to serve ads that are tailored to your interest. If this creeps you out, you can opt out of the DART cookie. Any information gathered by the DART cookie is anonymous, and doesn’t include stuff like your address, phone number, height, weight, and eye color, mother’s maiden name, social security number, or colonoscopy history.